Jerusalem under Snow

Some tourists may be surprised to have woken up this morning to Jerusalem covered in a blanket of snow and unprepared for the colder temperatures of a Jerusalem winter. A local guide can ensure that you are prepared, keep warm and find places to go no matter what the weather. This morning was bright and sunny so I went for a walk in the neighborhood and took these photographs, a different view of the city.Hursha in snowWe live in the German Colony and nearby is the old leper hospital built in 1887 by renowned architect Conrad Schick.

Jesus Hilfe leper hospital

Trees in woods


Strange to have snow fall after the almond trees have blossomed. In our garden, the peach, apricot and apple tree were blossoming when the snow fell. The fields were covered with yellow mustard flowers and red anemone before they were covered by snow.

7 thoughts on “Jerusalem under Snow

  1. Jonathan

    No flowers blooming on Ottawa. We will though have a fresh coating of snow this evening but temperatures are a chilly -20c not including the wind chill.

  2. Melanie Zerrudo

    Hi Shmuel,
    Is it unusual to have snow in Jrusalem in February ? What is usually considered winter months ? I recall when you guided us early part of last January there was no snow !
    Would have loved to see Jerusalem, snow covered.
    How long is this weather expected to last ? Does it snow in the north as well ?

    1. Shmuel Browns Post author

      Hi Melanie.
      It’s unusual to have snow period but we have had snow the last few years (Jan 2013 and Dec 2013 and I posted about it on my blog). Snow does not last long. It snows more in the north, Galilee and Hermon than Jerusalem.

  3. Pingback: Snow Photos of the Day | Israel Tours

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